The Portsmouth show was busy, manic, if not a little damp, perfect for Father and Son. Sovay and I attended to everyones costumal behests, took some evidential snaps and then I headed home for an install of Bluelight at Aid and Abet the next day. This proved to be technically a little more difficult than expected so with a cry for help to Mr Pearl, he donned his cape and flew up from the depths of Suffolk to my aid. All eventually went well. The opening was well attended and I have to say I am absolutely thrilled with the outcome but still need a little time away from it to get to grips with the printed legacy of the experience as well as reflect on it properly before I plan my next venture. I have a lot of ideas, I just need money to make it happen and an offer from a space to house it in some way.
I hope I have offers to show 'Bluelight' elsewhere.
This weekend I head off to Hereford for the final juncture of Tainted Love. It will be great to have some time to catch up with everybody there before the works are put to bed, sold or moved on.
I am really at a point at last where I can head to the studio to make new work and put new ideas together with no outsider influences. I have had a great month.
Oh and I need to get some more socks.