Monday, 21 May 2012

Mountains and lodges

I am pleased to say that today I secured an important venue for filming 'The Blue Light' at the start of the summer. Cromer Hall is a gothic mansion that is integral to the historical setting of The Hound of the Baskervilles and therefore to the story of the Black Shuck that is said to roam the coastal path between Overstrand and Sheringham in Norfolk. I am to make one more phone call to secure another venue but I cant see too much of a problem with this now that I have Cromer Hall in place. I have also been fortunate enough to have 23 actors offering to play the four parts I have available for the film. This is going to be extremely hard to whittle down as they all have great experience and things to offer the project. I will then need to find a venue to audition but hopefully this shouldn't be too difficult.

This week I have also been chasing mountains in a fit of hysteria for another body of work that needs to be on its way in July. Its at the point where I have so much research I now need to home in on what it is I am trying to find out, to get at, to pick away at the scab so to speak. To my mind this is the hardest part as I wait and wait, hoping for something to come to the fore.

On another note my new teaching job is expanding. I have a number of students getting in touch, so need to keep that under control whilst all other things are flying around in the sky. I have also started work for a show in Cardiff that runs the length of the Olympics. I will be very fit by the end of it, I think that is what is expected.

Applications are moving slowly but I really must find the time to finish them, always a problem as they get pushed to one side in busy times.

Sunday, 13 May 2012

Poles, fountains and hanging lamps

This last week I have been forging ahead with the film as I now have three potential venues in Norfolk and offers from actors/performers to take part. I am holding out for one particular venue which I really hope to be able to use but it incurs a cost, so I will have to wait and see how much. I should hear back very soon. In anticipation I have a plan B.
The rest of my time has been taken up with finding a common ground between three historical figures and I have found it, so after tomorrows meeting in London for Roam, I hope to move on with more constructive outcomes.
I haven't been in my studio for a week, so I am itching to get on with sourcing and putting things together for work upcoming. 

This is my infantry so far.

Sticks, umbrellas, poles, trees, firearms, guns, pistols and the revolver, faucets, watering cans, fountains, hanging lamps, collapsible pencils, pencils, quills, nail files, hammers.

Balloons, aeroplanes, zeppelins, flying
reptiles and fish, snakes, hats, cloaks
pits, caves, hollows, pitchers, bottles, trunks, jars, cases, pockets, ships, wardrobes, stoves, rooms
doors, entrances, wood, paper, tables and books, snails, mussels, mouths, churches and chapels
apples, peaches and fruits in general, cliffs, woods and water, machinery difficult to describe.

Jewel- caskets, jewels and treasure, sweets, play, piano playing, sliding and coasting, tearing off a branch.
Ones teeth fall out or having them pulled.
Dancing, riding and climbing or being run over. Being threatened more over.

Friday, 4 May 2012

Control or is it?

Today I have added a sale page to my website and have sold already Madame Coopers Troopers. Yesterday was the opening of Tainted Love at Transition Galley, London where I chatted to a few new and old acquaintances. The space has been divided up by ply boards which give a sense of viewing the works in an intimiate space, which I really like. The PV was very busy. I am working on quite a few applications for things which I am pretty excited about like residencies, commissions and funding and feel, for the first time in ages, pretty on top of things, although I do have much to do. This week I have managed to secure a new tutoring post, which will, no doubt, come with its own new challenges and have also agreed to be in a show over the summer in Cardiff, although, right now I have no idea what it will become in terms of outcome. I have been reading and having fruitful conversations which is helping my current research into romance and the sense of the love lorn powerless man. Its pretty tongue in cheek as ever, but the reading is good. Next up is Tainted Love touring to The Meter Room in Coventry and film work for Roaming, which is ongoing as is work for my current MA. Lots of loose ends but all hopefully moving in the same direction.

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