It's been an age since I wrote my last post so thought I had better get to it. I have been working a lot in my studio recently on drawings, collecting my thoughts and researching following on from a pretty intense couple of years.
It has been nice to finally have a little head space to think around where I am heading next in terms of ideas and they are formulating nicely with very little output other than drawings.
I have been invited to show Bluelight in GHost Iv: Presence and Absence by the lovely Sarah Sparkes at St John on Bethnal Green in London as part of a long weekend of films, events and performances from December 6th - 8th where I am looking forward to seeing things on a big screen, perhaps very different to where I last showed it in a much more intimate space at Aid and Abet in Cambridge.
Beyond that I am pretty excited to say that I am working on new work for a show in an exciting new venue in the Midlands (more to be revealed shortly) which also opens in December and have been donating work to various auctions/fundraisers, the number of which seem to climb each year.
And so back to the research, I hope to reveal a new body of work in the New Year which will be an extension of the current research circumnavigating its way around my head. Well let's hope this is going to happen anyway.